Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ok good, and steelersbus!

Well, that seemed to work ok so onto some of my current projects. I have a lot of work up on my white board. First on the easel is a painting for a friend in PA. Whereas I go by the moniker "Paintedbus" he goes by "Steelersbus" because well... he likes the Pittsburg Steelers and he drives a vw bus. From what I gather his bus is totally decked out in Steelers apparel and he has a big team logo on the nose. It helps that he started with a vw already wearing the correct colors!

So what Steelersbus (SB) wanted is a painting much in the same style as many other paintings I have done. I tend to work out a background that is very colorful, bright and textural... (which I will cover more in depth the next time I make one)and then top it with a stylized tonal painting based off of an altered photograph. Sometimes I will add color, but most of the time the final image is made up of three tones... black, white and the background. This painting will likely have color in it.

SB actually has two buses in his family and his wife's bus will be included in the painting as well. Once I get the picture back from him, I will start the stylized painting portion as I have already completed his background.

The picture is of SB's background as it currently sits.

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