The first reason is that I got a new bus. Sure thing! Traded my 64 beetle for a 78 bus. Pulled the motor, transmission and pretty much everything else that moves. Replaced lots of stuff too. ...but that deserves its own post when I have some time.
Right now, I am working on too many things at once.
In less than a month, I am heading down to TN, SC, NC and VA to do some bus painting of various sorts. I was trying to wait until all my concepts were done before posting them, but in an effort appease my customers with some sort of progress, here is a couple of pics for DOCRIC in TN.

Ric wanted his red bus to be decorated with a rose mural... possibly with a "steal your face" on the front. So that is what I did! Ric, all colors are obviously easily changed at this point. Also, the fade around the nose logo would likely be done with cans or airbrush, though I could achieve the marker effect with a brush, if you like it the way it is.
Above the side example, there are several different thoughts on a transition to the current paint job. Also, all red will be the current paint showing through and I have sorted out a way to sand without sanding the whole thing. ;) We will talk more about that later though!
Also, Justin Steelersbus has asked me to come up with a concept for Mattyo's RiverBus campout. Here is what I came up with today. Let me know what you think Justin/ Matt. I already have this in SVG and PNG file format if you like it the way it is.

Also also, I have been working on a t-shirt for Reggie's RSVP campout and that is nearly done too... but I haven't finished the computer editing at this point... so hang in there! I haven't forgotten!
Finally (i think) I have been hitting up a lot of the vw shows in the area. This weekend is my first all car show and I will be selling vw shirts and parts. This is the CT Area T-Bird Society's "Time Machines" show held this sunday at the Guilford Fairground in Guilford, ct. Jessica and I will be heading down 1st thing tomorrow to avoid the heat. Excessive heat is bad for old untested new-to-me vw buses. (103 today!!!!)