So I have been running around like a madman working on more artwork than I can describe now. On that matter, I will have to be brief in my posting today.
First, more progress for LynnandJ. I am nearly done, and was bummed that I missed them driving through my area. It would have been good to hand deliver this one! Oh well, that is why we have the USPS.
Since my last posting, I have started the orbs w/ reflections and have repainted the same one now about 6 times trying to get the effect I want. Once i discover what that is and how to do it, it will be a matter of 10 minutes and the painting will be finished. I also outlined the entire work twice which did a great job at bringing out the background colors. Then I went into a number of little obsessions that resulted in better coverage (it is hard to see in the pics, but the entire canvas has a neat-o crackle finish over the surface. It looks cool, but makes the painting process a little more labor intensive. So here you go guys, I will try to finish this up today. Send me a PM or e-mail!
Also in the studio are a couple of paintings for the moderators. There will be three of them, but as of right now I have only started two. Not much to say about them at the moment and i think my time is better spent today painting than gabbing on my blog, so I will let them speak for themselves.