This worked out well as I was able to not only meet with Bob and Claudia at their home/ winery, but I was also able to go with Aswah to meet the descendants of the farmer that that this particular wine was named after. I was also lucky enough to be able to wander through their vineyard (Tesla Vineyard) and take lots of pictures during the harvest... like this one that highlights the delightful view from the farm (I gotta move soon):

Aswah also took a couple of pictures (probably more than I did!) and I hope he doesn't mind me stealing them to post up here. These are Aswahs pics! You can view his harvest album on his flickr page.
This is the granddaughter and great-grandbaby of the subject of my label. The baby was eating grapes right out of the bin and off the vine! Om nom nom...

Some more vine action, most of these plants are decades old!

And harvest in action:

Back to business here... I was asked to draw the grandfather of the the folks currently running the farm. His name was Vittorio and I was provided with the only picture that exists of him. Here he is:

I was asked to draw him older, so I crossed the picture above with several characteristics of this certifiably old guy...

...and came up with this drawing. I put a glass of wine sloshing about in his hand for effect.

Obviously, by itself the drawing above has no context. So I took one of my photographs from the vineyard (the first I posted) and heavily modified it to suit my drawing. I tried to match the gray scale and lightened/ blurred it to allow it to function as a background. Here is the final product. ;)